Unlike acute symptoms under high dose exposure such as vomitting, skin
rash, loss of hair and drastic decrease of lymphocytes,
gastrointestinal dysfunction, under prolonged low dose radiation
exposure, symptoms and period differs according to each person.
It is a known that radiation can cause cancer through damaging DNA,
but recent studies of microbiology tell us that radiation produces
excess amount of active oxygen, which causes more than 90% of the
entire diseases. Moreover, radiation harms immune and hormone systems
and thus we can conclude radiation cause literally all sorts of
Given the above, if we got exposed to low level radiation, we could
more likely be come down with cold, flu, pneumonia, nose bleeding,
diarrhea, gastroenteritis, menstral disorder, weakness (extreme case
is A-bomb Burabura disease) and all other sorts of unwellness.
More recently, according to the recent studies of Belarus (cf. Dr.
Bandazhevsky), it is known that continuous intake of cesium causes
heart, kidney, and liver diseases that could lead to death. Since
heart cells has low metabolism, internal radiation could easily be
accumulated in this organ. Nowadays, more than 50% of the death is
caused by heart disease in Belarus.
A citizen's organization founded by people who are suffering from various health damages after March 11 Fukushima nuclear plant accident.
November 9, 2011
What is Hibakusya
All the Species on this Planet already Hibakusya
Hibakusya is a radiation exposed person. In old days, hibakusyas are
limited to scientists and medical practioners. (For example, madam
Curie did of leukemia.)
However, since the Manhattan Project in 1942 and nuclear testing at
New Mexico in 1945, the population of hibakusya was boosted.
Then in 1945, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, A-bombs caused 200,000
people's death by the end of the year.
Since then on, nuclear state continued nuclear tests which amounted to
40,000 as much as Hiroshima A-bomb, of which radiation had been
released into the environment.
The 1954 5th Lucky Dragon Incident made the hazards of nuclear testing
known to the world. The background level of radiation is raised
anywhere in the world, so in a way, everybody on this planet is
hibakusya since there is no threshold for cancer and genetic damage
triggered by radiation.
In more recent years, 1986 Chernobyl accident, depleted uranium used
in Gulf Wars, and Fukushima accident caused additional radiation
problems. Radiation issue is a growing world agenda now.
All the Species on this Planet already Hibakusya
Hibakusya is a radiation exposed person. In old days, hibakusyas are
limited to scientists and medical practioners. (For example, madam
Curie did of leukemia.)
However, since the Manhattan Project in 1942 and nuclear testing at
New Mexico in 1945, the population of hibakusya was boosted.
Then in 1945, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, A-bombs caused 200,000
people's death by the end of the year.
Since then on, nuclear state continued nuclear tests which amounted to
40,000 as much as Hiroshima A-bomb, of which radiation had been
released into the environment.
The 1954 5th Lucky Dragon Incident made the hazards of nuclear testing
known to the world. The background level of radiation is raised
anywhere in the world, so in a way, everybody on this planet is
hibakusya since there is no threshold for cancer and genetic damage
triggered by radiation.
In more recent years, 1986 Chernobyl accident, depleted uranium used
in Gulf Wars, and Fukushima accident caused additional radiation
problems. Radiation issue is a growing world agenda now.
Why 54 Nuke Plants in an Earthquake Prone Country
Possibility of the 2nd Fukushima Accident
In 1945, A-bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki took away lives of 200,000
people by the end of the year. Even today, a countless number of
people are suffering from internal exposure. In 1954, due to the US
thermonuclear test at Bilini Atoll, Japanese fishermen in a boat
called the 5th Lucky Dragon were victimined and a strong anti-nuke
sentiment raged all over Japan and the world. However, under the US
and Japanese policy called, "One nail drives another," nuclear power
budget was passed at the Diet by a hawkish politician Yasuhiro
Nakasone and nuclear power was introduced to Japan in 1957 pushed by a
media Giant Matsutaro Shoriki, the then President of Yomiuri Shinbum
and Nihon TV.
In 60s and 70s, in spite of local residents opposition over active
faults issue, nuke plants were constructed one after another during
the seismologically quiet period. After Three Mile and Chernobly,
citizens concern raised and especially after 1995 Kobe earthquake,
some citizens went to politicians and bureaucrats to demand the halt
of dangerous nuke plants' operation and some lawsuits were under way.
However, no measure or precaution was taken by the government.
Then the Fukushima accident took place. Even though the earthquake
cause the blackout and destruction of important pipe systems, the
govenment tries to attribute the accident solely to tsunami, and thus
they still continue the operations of remaining nuke plants.
Seismic activities are still ongoing. In many of the nuke plant
sites, there are active faults near or inside the site! With this
situation going on, the 2nd Fukushima could occur at any moment! This
is an urgent issue for the everybody in the world. Please cooperate
with our action and save you and your childrens' lives.
Possibility of the 2nd Fukushima Accident
In 1945, A-bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki took away lives of 200,000
people by the end of the year. Even today, a countless number of
people are suffering from internal exposure. In 1954, due to the US
thermonuclear test at Bilini Atoll, Japanese fishermen in a boat
called the 5th Lucky Dragon were victimined and a strong anti-nuke
sentiment raged all over Japan and the world. However, under the US
and Japanese policy called, "One nail drives another," nuclear power
budget was passed at the Diet by a hawkish politician Yasuhiro
Nakasone and nuclear power was introduced to Japan in 1957 pushed by a
media Giant Matsutaro Shoriki, the then President of Yomiuri Shinbum
and Nihon TV.
In 60s and 70s, in spite of local residents opposition over active
faults issue, nuke plants were constructed one after another during
the seismologically quiet period. After Three Mile and Chernobly,
citizens concern raised and especially after 1995 Kobe earthquake,
some citizens went to politicians and bureaucrats to demand the halt
of dangerous nuke plants' operation and some lawsuits were under way.
However, no measure or precaution was taken by the government.
Then the Fukushima accident took place. Even though the earthquake
cause the blackout and destruction of important pipe systems, the
govenment tries to attribute the accident solely to tsunami, and thus
they still continue the operations of remaining nuke plants.
Seismic activities are still ongoing. In many of the nuke plant
sites, there are active faults near or inside the site! With this
situation going on, the 2nd Fukushima could occur at any moment! This
is an urgent issue for the everybody in the world. Please cooperate
with our action and save you and your childrens' lives.
Japanese Govenment Hiding the Truth
Children are being Killed!!
While station black out, loss of coolant, and meltdown were underway
at Fukuchima nuclear power plant immediately after the earthquake, the
Japanese govenment had concealed the fact and announced the fact of
meltdown on May 12, only 2 months later.
In addition, in spite that the government had developed SPEEDI,
radiation dispersion predicting system with hundreds of millions of
dollars, they concealed the prediction and had not given out any
warning to people in Tohoku and Kanto, who were unecessarily exposed
to radiation. (They are still concealing they system even though the
accident is not over yet.)
The most important issue is that the govenment make the children stay
in Fukushima and at the same time started to conduct medical check
up.. This is nothing but a human genea pigs.Why cannot they let the
people evacuate first and then conduct medical check up?
Fukushima prefecture started Thyloid echo check, but echo check can
detect only tumor and cancer. If they want to conduct checking for
preventing such disease, blood tests need to be done. Is the Japanese
government waiting for Fukushima kids to get cancer?
In Fukushima, 45% of 1000 Fukushima children got thyloid internal
exposure. However, the government did not distribute any potassium
iodine tablets.
Looking back the history, in collusion with the US government, Japan
conducted only medical check ups on Hiroshima and Nagasaki hibakusyas
and never conducted preventive measures or any treatment. Until 2008,
unless people were within 2km range of ground zero, they were not even
regarded as hibakusya. The same thing is being done by the government
The situation is extremely serious. Children's lives are in danger in
Fukushima. We the citizens would like to help Fukushima children if
the government is trying to kill them. We need supports from the
world. Please help Fukushima children.
Children are being Killed!!
While station black out, loss of coolant, and meltdown were underway
at Fukuchima nuclear power plant immediately after the earthquake, the
Japanese govenment had concealed the fact and announced the fact of
meltdown on May 12, only 2 months later.
In addition, in spite that the government had developed SPEEDI,
radiation dispersion predicting system with hundreds of millions of
dollars, they concealed the prediction and had not given out any
warning to people in Tohoku and Kanto, who were unecessarily exposed
to radiation. (They are still concealing they system even though the
accident is not over yet.)
The most important issue is that the govenment make the children stay
in Fukushima and at the same time started to conduct medical check
up.. This is nothing but a human genea pigs.Why cannot they let the
people evacuate first and then conduct medical check up?
Fukushima prefecture started Thyloid echo check, but echo check can
detect only tumor and cancer. If they want to conduct checking for
preventing such disease, blood tests need to be done. Is the Japanese
government waiting for Fukushima kids to get cancer?
In Fukushima, 45% of 1000 Fukushima children got thyloid internal
exposure. However, the government did not distribute any potassium
iodine tablets.
Looking back the history, in collusion with the US government, Japan
conducted only medical check ups on Hiroshima and Nagasaki hibakusyas
and never conducted preventive measures or any treatment. Until 2008,
unless people were within 2km range of ground zero, they were not even
regarded as hibakusya. The same thing is being done by the government
The situation is extremely serious. Children's lives are in danger in
Fukushima. We the citizens would like to help Fukushima children if
the government is trying to kill them. We need supports from the
world. Please help Fukushima children.
Grave issues of Japan's Medical Circle
Due to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan is regarded as a key country for
nuclear industry and nuclear states to control anti-nuke sentiment.
Thus Japanese scholars in medical and radiation protection fields
could not easily get involved in studies that are inconvenient to
nuclear power friendly state policy.
Regretfuly, this tendency is still underway without any change even
after Fukushima accident. Radiation scholars state that there is no
health hazards under 100mSV and no major media report on health
damages observed in many places. Most doctors stay silent regarding
the causality between patients' symptoms and radiation. After all,
there are very few doctors who have ever diagnosed radiation-related
Since it is regarded that low dose radiation would not cause any
problem, in Fukushima, the evacuation limit is 4 times as high as
Chernobyl case. Children in highly contaminated areas are only taking
medical check-up though the evacuation is the best prevention of any
radiation related illnesses. Some people have started to criticize
this situation saying, "The government is using Fukushima children as
genea pigs!"
Japanese medical circle has a strong hierarchy system where
doctors/medical staff have to comform to the system like in an ivory
tour with Japan Medical Association on top. Unless Japan Medical
Association does not seriously tackle with the issues of radiation
exposure, most doctors cannot raise their voices. Moreover, the
education of true effects of radiation exposure had not been provided
in medical schools and related institutions and thus doctors hardly
ever diagnose symptoms with radiation.
However, a few number of doctors with consciences have already
acknowledged the low level radiation symptoms and they are trying to
help citizens. We would like to ask doctors and scientists in the
world to make solidarity to disseminate the truth of radiation
exposure and also to help those who have become ill.
Due to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan is regarded as a key country for
nuclear industry and nuclear states to control anti-nuke sentiment.
Thus Japanese scholars in medical and radiation protection fields
could not easily get involved in studies that are inconvenient to
nuclear power friendly state policy.
Regretfuly, this tendency is still underway without any change even
after Fukushima accident. Radiation scholars state that there is no
health hazards under 100mSV and no major media report on health
damages observed in many places. Most doctors stay silent regarding
the causality between patients' symptoms and radiation. After all,
there are very few doctors who have ever diagnosed radiation-related
Since it is regarded that low dose radiation would not cause any
problem, in Fukushima, the evacuation limit is 4 times as high as
Chernobyl case. Children in highly contaminated areas are only taking
medical check-up though the evacuation is the best prevention of any
radiation related illnesses. Some people have started to criticize
this situation saying, "The government is using Fukushima children as
genea pigs!"
Japanese medical circle has a strong hierarchy system where
doctors/medical staff have to comform to the system like in an ivory
tour with Japan Medical Association on top. Unless Japan Medical
Association does not seriously tackle with the issues of radiation
exposure, most doctors cannot raise their voices. Moreover, the
education of true effects of radiation exposure had not been provided
in medical schools and related institutions and thus doctors hardly
ever diagnose symptoms with radiation.
However, a few number of doctors with consciences have already
acknowledged the low level radiation symptoms and they are trying to
help citizens. We would like to ask doctors and scientists in the
world to make solidarity to disseminate the truth of radiation
exposure and also to help those who have become ill.
Reference materials on low level radiation and internal exposure
■English book about the Radiation
The Radiation and Public Health Project,Books
Peace Philosophy Centre
Cancer risk significantly rises at dosage of 10 - 40 mSV: Research by
McGill team
チェルノブイリ事故による放射性物質で汚染されたベラルーシの諸地域における非ガン性疾患 Y・バンダシェフスキー教授
Non-cancer illnesses and conditions in areas of Belarus contaminated
by radioactivity from the Chernobyl Accident: Prof. Yuri Bandashevsky
Sharp increase of non-cancer diseases in children in Gomel, Belarus
低線量内部被曝の脅威―原子炉周辺の健康破壊と疫学的立証の記録 [単行本]
ジェイ・マーティン グールド (著), Jay Martin Gould (原著), 肥田 舜太郎 (翻訳), 齋藤 紀 (翻訳), 戸田 清 (翻訳), 竹野内 真理 (翻訳)
著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
肥田 舜太郎
齋藤 紀
戸田 清
竹野内 真理
人間と環境への低レベル放射能の脅威―福島原発放射能汚染を考えるために [単行本]
ラルフ・グロイブ (著), アーネスト・スターングラス (著), 肥田 舜太郎 (翻訳), 竹野内真理 (翻訳)
著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
虎の巻 低線量放射線と健康影響 ─先生、放射線を浴びても大丈夫? と聞かれたら [単行本]
独立行政法人放射線医学総合研究所 (著), 土居 雅広 (編集)
10mSV でもガンが優位に増加するというWHOによる15カ国の原発労働者に対する研究が引用されています!
The Radiation and Public Health Project,Books
Peace Philosophy Centre
Cancer risk significantly rises at dosage of 10 - 40 mSV: Research by
McGill team
チェルノブイリ事故による放射性物質で汚染されたベラルーシの諸地域における非ガン性疾患 Y・バンダシェフスキー教授
Non-cancer illnesses and conditions in areas of Belarus contaminated
by radioactivity from the Chernobyl Accident: Prof. Yuri Bandashevsky
Sharp increase of non-cancer diseases in children in Gomel, Belarus
![]() |
低線量内部被曝の脅威 |
ジェイ・マーティン グールド (著), Jay Martin Gould (原著), 肥田 舜太郎 (翻訳), 齋藤 紀 (翻訳), 戸田 清 (翻訳), 竹野内 真理 (翻訳)
著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
肥田 舜太郎
齋藤 紀
戸田 清
竹野内 真理
![]() |
人間と環境への低レベル放射能の脅威 |
ラルフ・グロイブ (著), アーネスト・スターングラス (著), 肥田 舜太郎 (翻訳), 竹野内真理 (翻訳)
著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
![]() |
虎の巻 低線量放射線と健康影響 |
独立行政法人放射線医学総合研究所 (著), 土居 雅広 (編集)
10mSV でもガンが優位に増加するというWHOによる15カ国の原発労働者に対する研究が引用されています!
November 8, 2011
The Petition
1.お名前 [必須:海外に送るためローマ字でお願い致します。]
3.コメント (任意)
The Petition from Japan
No More Hibakusya! No More Nuke Power!
Appeal to United Nations, state governments, nuclear corporations,
radiation agencies
We the global citizens are at the time of making a decision. In
1945, due to atomic bombs, Japan lost 200,000 citizens and even today,
tens of thousands are still suffering from the aftereffects of
radiation. And now in Fukushima, due to the severe accident at the
nuclear reactors and their spent fuel pools, a second radiation
disaster is taking place. Needless to say, radiation contamination
spreads beyond borders of nations and is transferred to future
generations. For our sustainable future, we should take the radiation
contamination issue as the most pressing global environmental problem.
Now is the time for all the citizens in Japan and every nation to
declare that we can not co-exist with nuclear technology, whether it
is used for military or civil purposes.
The United Nations and the government of each nation are also at the
time of making a decision. Accidents that should not have occurred did
occur at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and now in Fukushima. Under any
circumstances, severe nuclear accidents should be avoided completely,
and the phrase “unexpected circumstance” can not be used as an excuse.
Nuclear energy is not an acceptable form of energy for human beings,
as long as it produces radiation that harms people’s lives on this
planet, especially lives of the young and future generation, the very
fundamentals of any nation’s future. Moreover, another disaster could
take place at any time anywhere as long as more than 400 commercial
reactors are in operation all over the world. Particularly dangerous
are the older ones and ones located near seismic zones. Accordingly,
the United Nations and the state governments should immediately take
bold initiatives to phase out nuclear energy and decommission reactors
in the order of the danger that they pose to humanity, the environment
and the economy.
Nuclear corporations are also at the time of making a decision.
Nuclear energy apparently contradicts with corporate ethics and social
responsibilities. Not only the massive release of radiation at the
time of accidents, but also release under normal operation
deteriorates the environment and people’s health. There are so many
issues around this industry for which its legitimacy should be
questioned, such as issues of unsolved nuclear waste, and radiation
exposed workers. If manufacturing of asbestos was banned, uranium
mining, nuclear fuel manufacturing, operation of nuclear reactors,
reprocessing of spent fuel should be banned all the more strictly.
Nuclear corporations should shift their central roles to the
elimination and control of radioactive contamination and nuclear waste
instead of further promoting nuclear energy.
Radiation agencies all over the world are also at the time of making
decisions on their orientation of research activities. Until today,
most of them have set up radiation protection standards based on the
assumption to use nuclear energy as a state policy. However, these
agencies should shift their main roles to protect the environment and
people from radiation contamination. In order to do this, they should
inform their citizens of the true risk of radiation exposure in
understandable terms, especially the high-risk internal exposure,
providing the current scientific facts without underestimating it.
Also, they should issue adequate recommendations in a timely manner to
protect the general public, especially the radiation-sensitive
individuals such as infants and pregnant women.
No matter how different we are in social positions, who would not
dare to care the lives of ourselves and the future generations and the
environment? Nuclear energy has been threatening the environment of
our planet and the life of every being. Taking the emergency situation
of Fukushima as an opportunity to come back to this simple truth, here
we call for the following things.
1. United Nations and the state governments should decide to phase
out nuclear energy and decommission reactors in the order of their
risks as early as possible.
2. Nuclear corporations should shift their central roles to
eliminate and control radiation contamination and nuclear waste for
their future corporate activities.
3. Radiation agencies should conduct radiation measurements
extensively and carry out adequate precautionary measures such as
people’s evacuation warning and restriction of food and water intake.
Addressees of this petition
To sign the petition, please fill out this page.
1. Name [Required]
2. E-mail address[Required]
3. Comment (if any)
- 国連および各国政府は、原子力から撤退する決断をし、可能な限りすみやかに危険性の高い原子炉から順次廃炉を実行すること。
- 原子力関連企業は、環境中からの放射能汚染の除去、核廃棄物処分の管理を今後の原子力関連事業の根幹とすること。
- 放射線専門機関は、放射能測定を広範に行い、汚染地からの人々の退避や汚染された飲食物の摂取制限など、適切な予防措置を講じること。
1.お名前 [必須:海外に送るためローマ字でお願い致します。]
3.コメント (任意)
The Petition from Japan
No More Hibakusya! No More Nuke Power!
Appeal to United Nations, state governments, nuclear corporations,
radiation agencies
We the global citizens are at the time of making a decision. In
1945, due to atomic bombs, Japan lost 200,000 citizens and even today,
tens of thousands are still suffering from the aftereffects of
radiation. And now in Fukushima, due to the severe accident at the
nuclear reactors and their spent fuel pools, a second radiation
disaster is taking place. Needless to say, radiation contamination
spreads beyond borders of nations and is transferred to future
generations. For our sustainable future, we should take the radiation
contamination issue as the most pressing global environmental problem.
Now is the time for all the citizens in Japan and every nation to
declare that we can not co-exist with nuclear technology, whether it
is used for military or civil purposes.
The United Nations and the government of each nation are also at the
time of making a decision. Accidents that should not have occurred did
occur at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and now in Fukushima. Under any
circumstances, severe nuclear accidents should be avoided completely,
and the phrase “unexpected circumstance” can not be used as an excuse.
Nuclear energy is not an acceptable form of energy for human beings,
as long as it produces radiation that harms people’s lives on this
planet, especially lives of the young and future generation, the very
fundamentals of any nation’s future. Moreover, another disaster could
take place at any time anywhere as long as more than 400 commercial
reactors are in operation all over the world. Particularly dangerous
are the older ones and ones located near seismic zones. Accordingly,
the United Nations and the state governments should immediately take
bold initiatives to phase out nuclear energy and decommission reactors
in the order of the danger that they pose to humanity, the environment
and the economy.
Nuclear corporations are also at the time of making a decision.
Nuclear energy apparently contradicts with corporate ethics and social
responsibilities. Not only the massive release of radiation at the
time of accidents, but also release under normal operation
deteriorates the environment and people’s health. There are so many
issues around this industry for which its legitimacy should be
questioned, such as issues of unsolved nuclear waste, and radiation
exposed workers. If manufacturing of asbestos was banned, uranium
mining, nuclear fuel manufacturing, operation of nuclear reactors,
reprocessing of spent fuel should be banned all the more strictly.
Nuclear corporations should shift their central roles to the
elimination and control of radioactive contamination and nuclear waste
instead of further promoting nuclear energy.
Radiation agencies all over the world are also at the time of making
decisions on their orientation of research activities. Until today,
most of them have set up radiation protection standards based on the
assumption to use nuclear energy as a state policy. However, these
agencies should shift their main roles to protect the environment and
people from radiation contamination. In order to do this, they should
inform their citizens of the true risk of radiation exposure in
understandable terms, especially the high-risk internal exposure,
providing the current scientific facts without underestimating it.
Also, they should issue adequate recommendations in a timely manner to
protect the general public, especially the radiation-sensitive
individuals such as infants and pregnant women.
No matter how different we are in social positions, who would not
dare to care the lives of ourselves and the future generations and the
environment? Nuclear energy has been threatening the environment of
our planet and the life of every being. Taking the emergency situation
of Fukushima as an opportunity to come back to this simple truth, here
we call for the following things.
1. United Nations and the state governments should decide to phase
out nuclear energy and decommission reactors in the order of their
risks as early as possible.
2. Nuclear corporations should shift their central roles to
eliminate and control radiation contamination and nuclear waste for
their future corporate activities.
3. Radiation agencies should conduct radiation measurements
extensively and carry out adequate precautionary measures such as
people’s evacuation warning and restriction of food and water intake.
Addressees of this petition
To sign the petition, please fill out this page.
1. Name [Required]
2. E-mail address[Required]
3. Comment (if any)
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